Stage 3: Spatial Coordination 

Undertake Design Studies and Engineering Analysis, with input from end users, facilities managers, specialist consultants.

Undertake a Building Regulations review of Part B, Part A, Part M and Regulation 7 requirements, with input from the building control body and fire rescue authority, where appropriate. 

For fire engineering, it includes Fire Strategy Report

GBFE typical scope of works for Stage 3 Fire Strategy is as follows:

  • Review the design proposal

  • Identify areas that will not comply with the functional requirements of the Building Regulations and develop alternative design solutions, if applicable.

  • The Stage 3 Fire strategy report will be produced to include the fire design proposal on the basis that the design is finalised. The document to include the following topics;

B1 Means of warning and escape

B2 Internal fire spread (Linings)

B3 Internal fire spread (Structure)

B4 External fire spread, and

B5 Access and facilities for the fire service

Regulation 7 and Regulation 38

  • Advice to be provided to the Fire Strategy drawings

  • Support and relevant advice will be provided to the design team

* The number of Design reviews are based on the project and are subject to discussions with the client.

** The Fire Strategy Report will be reviewed externally by a qualified fire engineer.

*** Design team/statutory authority meetings are allowed for based on the project.